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打爛砂盆==紋(問)到底--What is ?ITU ZONES

發表於 19-7-2007 11:08:29 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

1. KL
2. VE6, VE7, VE8 (south of 80N and west of 110W), VY1
3. VE5, VE3/4/8 (south of 80N and between 90 & 110W)
4. VE2/3/4/8 (south of 80N and between 70 and 90W including all Baffin
5. OX (south of 80N)
6. W6, W7 (excluding Wyoming & Montana east of 110W)
7. W5 (excluding Mississippi), W7 (Wyoming & Montana east of 110W), W0
8. W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 (Mississippi only), W8, W9, 4U (New York)
9. CY9, CY0, FP, VE1, VE2 (east of 70W), VO1, VO2, VY2
10. FO8 (Clipperton), XE, XF4
11. C6, CO, FG, FM, FJ/FS, HH, HI, HK0 (San Andres), HP, HR, J3, J6,
J7, J8, KG4, KP1, KP2, KP3/4, KP5, P4, PJ (Netherlands Antilles), PJ Sint
Maarten), TG, TI, V2, V3, V4, VP2 (Anguilla), VP2 (Br. Virgin Is), VP2
(Montserrat), VP5, VP9, YN, YS, YV0, ZF, 6Y, 8P, 9Y
12. CP, FY, HC, HC8, HK, HK0 (Malpelo), OA, PY (west of 60W), PZ, TI9,
YV, 8R
13. PY (north of 16.5S & east of 60W), PY0 (Fernando de Noronha), PY0
(St Peter & Paul)
14. CE (north of 40S), CE0 (Juan Fernandez), CE0 (San Felix), CX, LU
(north of 40S), ZP
15. PY (south of 16.5S), PY0 (Trindade)
16. CE (south of 40S), LU (south of 40S), VP8 (Falklands)
17. TF
18. JW (south of 80N), JX, LA, OH, OH0, OJ0, OY, OZ, SM
19. UA1 (between 60 and 80N and west of 50E), UA9 (between 60 and 80N
and west of 50E)
20. R1F (FJL south of 80N), UA1 (between 60 and 80N and east of 50E),
UA9 (between 60 and 80N and between 50 and 75E)
21. UA9/0 (between 60 and 80N and between 75 and 90E)
22. UA0 (between 60 and 80N and between 90 and 110E)
23. UA0 (between 60 and 80N and between 110 and 135E)
24. UA0 (between 60 and 80N and between 135 and 155E)
25. UA0 (between 60 and 80N and between 155 and 170E)
26. UA0 (between 60 and 80N and east of 170E)
27. C3, EI, F, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, LX, ON, PA, 3A
28. DL, HA, HB, HB0, HV, I (excluding IG9 & IH9), IS, LZ, OE, OK, OM,
S5, SP, SV, SV (Mt Athos), SV5, SV9, T7, T9, TK, YO, YU, Z3, ZA,
1A0(SMOM), 4U (Geneva), 9A, 9H
29. R1M (MV Island), EK (Armenia), ER (Moldova), ES (Estonia), EU
(Belarus), LY (Lithuania), UA1 (south of 60N), UA2, UA3, UA4 (west of 50E),
UA6, UN(Kazakhstan west of 50E), UR (Ukraine), YL (Latvia), 4J
(Azerbaijan), 4L (Georgia)
30. EX (Kyrgyzstan west of 75E), EY (Tajikistan), EZ (Turkmenistan),
UA4 (east of 50E), UA9 (south of 60N and west of 75E), UK (Uzbekistan),
UN(Kazakhstan between 50 and 75E)
31. EX (Kyrgyzstan east of 75E), UA9/0 (south of 60N and between 75 and
90E), UN (Kazakhstan east of 75E)
32. JT (west of 110E), UA0 (south of 60N and between 90 and 110E)
33. BY (north of 44N), JT (east of 110E), UA0 (south of 60N and between
110 and 135E)
34. UA0 (south of 60N and between 135 and 155E including Primor'ye and
Sakhalin but excluding the Kurils)
35. UA0 (south of 60N and between 155 and 170E including the Kurils)
36. CT3, CU, EA8
37. CN, CT, EA, EA6, EA9, IG9, IH9, S0, ZB, 3V, 7X
38. SU, 5A
39. A4, A6, A7, A9, HZ, JY, OD, TA, YI, YK, ZC4, 4X, 5B, 7O, 9K
40. EP, YA
41. A5, AP, S2, VQ9, VU (India), VU (Laccadives), 4S, 8Q
42. BY (west of 90E), 9N
43. BY (between 90 and 110E, excluding Hainan)
44. BV, BY (south of 44N and east of 110E, including Hainan), BV9P
(Pratas), HL,P5, VR2/VS6, XX9

45. JA, JD1 (Ogasawara)
46. C5, D4, EL, J5, TU, TY, TZ, XT, 3X, 5N, 5T, 5U, 5V, 6W, 9G, 9L
47. S9, TJ, TL, TT, 3C
48. E3, ET, J2, ST, ST0, T5, 5X, 5Z
49. HS, VU (Andamans), XU, XV, XW, XZ
50. DU, BY (Scarborough Reef), 1S (Spratly)
51. H4, P2, YB8/9 (east of 130E)
52. D2, TN, TR, 3C0, 9Q, 9U, 9X
53. C9, D6, FH, FR (Reunion), FR (Gloriosos), FR (Juan de Nova), FR
(Tromelin), S7, Z2, 3B6/7, 3B8, 3B9, 5H, 5R, 7Q, 9J
54. V8, VK9 (Christmas), VK9 (Cocos-Keeling), YB1-7, YB8/9 (west of
130E), 9M2, 9M6/8, 9V
55. VK4, VK8, VK9 (Willis)
56. FK, VK9 (Mellish Reef), YJ, 3D2 (Fiji), 3D2 (Conway Reef), 3D2
57. A2, V5, ZS, ZS8, 3DA, 7P
58. VK6
59. VK1, VK2, VK3, VK5, VK7
60. VK9 (Lord Howe), VK9 (Norfolk), VK0 (Macquarie), ZL, ZL7, ZL8, ZL9
61. KH1, KH3, KH4, KH5 (Palmyra but not Jarvis), KH5 (Kingman Reef),
KH6/7, KH7K, T32 (Northern Line Is only)
62. A3, FW, KH5 (Jarvis), KH8, T31, ZK1 (North Cooks), ZK2, ZK3, 5W
63. CE0 (Easter), FO, T32 (Central & Southern Line Is), VR6, ZK1 (South
64. KC6/T8, KH2, KH0, V6 (west of 150E)
65. C2, KH9, T2, T30, T33, V6 (east of 150E), V7
66. ZD7, ZD8, ZD9
67. Antarctica (north of 80S and between 20W and 40E), 3Y (Bouvet)
68. FT (Amsterdam), FT (Crozet), FT (Kerguelen), VK0 (Heard)
69. Antarctica (north of 80S and between 40 and 100E)
70. Antarctica (north of 80S and between 100 and 160E)
71. Antarctica (north of 80S and between 160E and 140W)
72. Antarctica (north of 80S and between 140 and 80W), 3Y (Peter 1)
73. Antarctica (north of 80S and between 80 and 20W), VP8 (S. Georgia),
VP8 (S. Orkneys), VP8 (S. Sandwich), VP8 (S Shetlands)
74. Antarctica (between 80 and 90S South Pole)
75. JW (north of 80N), OX (north of 80N), R1F (FJL north of 80N), UA0
(Severnaya Zemlya north of 80N), VE8 (north of 80N)
78 CE0 (Salas-y-Gomez)
90. JD1 (Minami Torishima)
 樓主| 發表於 22-7-2007 00:19:03 | 顯示全部樓層

打爛砂盆==紋(問)到底--What is ?ITU ZONES

業餘區域的劃分法有二種;第一種稱為 "CQ ZONE",這是美國 CQ 雜誌社為頒發 "WAZ"(Worked All Zones)通畢 40 區域獎,而將地球表面劃分成四十個區 (ZONE)。臺灣、香港、澳門和中國大陸東部地帶 (BY1、BY2、 BY3A-F、BY3M-S、 BY3T-Z、BY4、 BY5、BY6、BY7、BY8、BY9M-S),包括重慶、成都、昆明、西安、榆林、等為 "CQ ZONE 24"。

  中國大陸西部 (BY3G-L、BY9A-L、 BY9T-Z、BY0),包括蘭州、隴西、內蒙古等為 "CQ ZONE 23"。

  第二種分法是國際分法,稱為 "ITU ZONE"。它是將地球表面劃分為 75 區。在某些通訊比賽中,是要報告自己所在地的 ITU ZONE 的。臺灣、香港、澳門處於 "ITU ZONE 44";中國大陸占了四個 ITU ZONES;即 "33、42、43、44"。
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