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China Set to Launch Several Amateur Radio Satellites this Summer

發表於 1-6-2015 01:27:47 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
China Set to Launch Several Amateur Radio Satellites this Summer
CAMSAT has announced that the CAS-3 amateur satellite system is nearing completion, and six Chinese amateur satellites will be launched in mid-July.

“All six satellites are equipped with substantially the same Amateur Radio payloads, a U/V mode linear transponder, a CW telemetry beacon and an AX.25 19.2k/9.6k baud GMSK telemetry downlink,” the CAMSAT announcement said. CAMSAT said that each Amateur Radio complement has the same technical characteristics, but will operate on different 70 centimeter uplink and 2 meter downlink frequencies.

CAMSAT said it has worked closely with DFH Satellite Co Ltd, a Chinese government aerospace contractor, to complete the project. “All the satellites are currently conducting final testing and inspection,” CAMSAT added. Four of the satellites are described as “microsatellites,” while three are listed as CubeSats.

CAMSAT said a Long March-6 rocket will carry the satellites into orbit. The launch will take place at Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center. CAS-3A will have sun-synchronous orbits of about 450 km, while the other satellites have sun-synchronous orbits of about 530 km.

“The launch will carry total of 20 satellites,” CAMSAT said. “Three other satellites named as CAS-3G, CAS-3H, and CAS-3I involved in Amateur Radio from other agencies of China will share the same launch.”

CAMSAT said it was assisting the Chinese government with frequency allocation and coordination and would announce additional details.

CAS-3A (microsatellite architecture)

Dimensions: 400×400×400 mm (20 kg)

Stabilization: Three-axis stabilization system with its +Y surface facing Earth

Antenna: Deployable antenna, one 0.25 λ monopole VHF antenna on +Z side and one 0.25 λ monopole UHF antenna on the –Z side, close to the each edge of satellite body

Call Sign: BJ1SB

CW Telemetry Beacon: 50mW, 22 WPM

U/V Mode Linear Transponder: 100 mW, 20 kHz bandwidth, inverting

AX.25 telemetry: 100 mW, 19.2k/9.6k baud GMSK

CAS-3B, CAS-3C and CAS-3D (microsatellite architecture)

Dimensions: 250×250×250 mm (9 kg)

Stabilization: Tree-axis stabilization system with its +Y surface facing Earth

Antenna: Deployable antenna, one 0.25 λ monopole VHF antenna on the +Z side and one 0.25 λ monopole UHF antenna on the –Z side, close to the each edge of satellite body

Call Signs: BJ1SC (CAS-3B), BJ1SD (CAS-3C), BJ1SE (CAS-3D)

CW Telemetry Beacon: 50 mW, 22 WPM

U/V Mode Linear Transponder: 100 mW, 20 kHz bandwidth, inverting

AX.25 telemetry: 100 mW, 19.2k/9.6k baud GMSK

CAS-3E and CAS-3F (CubeSat architecture)

Dimensions: 110×110×110 mm (1.5 kg)

Stabilization: Spinning stabilization using permanent magnet torquer

Antenna: Deployable antenna, one 0.25 λ monopole VHF antenna on the +Z side and one 0.25 λ monopole UHF antenna on the –Z side, close to the each edge of satellite body

Call Signs: BJ1SF (CAS-3E), BJ1SG (CAS-3F)

CW Telemetry Beacon: 50 mW, 22 WPM

U/V Mode Linear Transponder: 100 mW, 20 kHz bandwidth, inverting

AX.25 telemetry: 100 mW, 9.6k baud GMSK

Meanwhile, AMSAT News Service has reported via Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL, that Beijing will be launching other satellites carrying Amateur Radio payloads in July. According to AMSAT-UK, the CAS-2A1 and CAS-2A2 satellites will be combined into a binary star system for Amateur Radio communication and education. “There will be a radio link between the two satellites when the satellites are in suitable positions in their orbits, so that Amateur Radio communication coverage can be extended,” AMSAT-UK reported on its website.


Dimensions: 270×270×250 mm

2 meter CW telemetry beacon, 100 mW

2 meter AX.25 digital telemetry beacon, 500 mW

2 meter FM voice beacon, 500 mW

U/V mode linear transponder: 50 kHz bandwidth, 500 mW

L/S mode linear transponder: 200 kHz bandwidth, 320 mW

U/V mode APRS repeater


Dimensions: 270×270×250 mm

70 centimeter CW telemetry beacon, 100 mW

70 centimeter AX.25 digital telemetry beacon, 500 mW

13 centimeter CW telemetry beacon, 200 mW

3 centimeter CW telemetry beacon, 200 mW

V/U mode linear transponder, 500 mW

LilacSat-2 (Harbin Institute of Technology)

Dimensions: 20×20×20 cm (11 kg)

Uplink: 145.825, 145.875 MHz

Downlink: 437.200 MHz beacon, 437.225 MHz FM/APRS

Other spacecraft include Tiantuo-3 (TT-3), from the National University of Defense Technology, and ZDPS-2, a nanosatellite mission of the Microsat Research Center, Zhejiang University. — Thanks to CAMSAT, AMSAT News Service, Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL, and AMSAT-UK

發表於 22-7-2015 00:31:00 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 VR2VBU 於 22-7-2015 00:33 編輯

原定在 7月中升空的中國業餘人造衛星, 最新消息是將於8月中才運往 太原衛星發射中心, 然後等到 9月初才升空, 但是確實日期還沒有公報

發表於 22-7-2015 00:35:15 | 顯示全部樓層

中國 太原衛星發射中心座落於山西省的西北部的岢嵐縣境內
發表於 22-7-2015 18:41:03 | 顯示全部樓層

Launch: September 2015
Rocket: Long March-6 (LM-6 or CZ-6)
Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center

  Harbin Institute of Technology
  Approx.  11kg 20x20x20cm
  Uplink: 145.825, 145.875MHz
  Downlink: 437.200MHz beacon
            437.225MHz FM/APRS

Tiantuo-3 (TT-3)
  Small satellite from China's National University
  of Defense Technology

XW-2 (CAS-2)
  Chinese Amateur Satellite Group
  CAS-2A1 satellite:
  2m CW telemetry beacon 100mW
  2m AX.25 digital telemetry beacon 500mW
  2m FM voice beacon 500mW
  U/V mode Linear transponder 50 kHz 500mW
  L/S mode Linear transponder 200 kHz 320mW
  U/V mode APRS repeater

  CAS-2A2 satellite:
  70cm CW telemetry beacon 100mW
  70cm AX.25 digital telemetry beacon 500mW
  13cm CW telemetry beacon 200mW
  3cm CW telemetry beacon 200mW
  V/U mode Linear transponder 500mW

  Nano-satellite mission of the Microsat Research Center
  Zhejiang University
發表於 25-7-2015 00:19:07 | 顯示全部樓層

希望二號 A  (也稱為 CAS-3A)

CAMSAT CAS3A– Micro-satellite architecture
– Dimensions: 400Lx400Wx400H mm
– Mass: 20kg
– Stabilization: three-axis stabilization system with its +Y surface facing the earth
– Antenna: Deployable antenna, one 1/4λ monopole VHF antenna with max.0dBi gain is located at +Z side and one 1/4λ monopole UHF antenna with max.0dBi gain is located at –Z side, close to the each edge of satellite body
– Uplink: 70cm band
– Downlink: 2m band
– Amateur radio payloads:
Callsign: BJ1SB
CW Telemetry Beacon: 50mW, 22wpm
U/V Mode Linear Transponder: 100mW, 20kHz bandwidth, spectrum Inverting
AX.25 telemetry: 100mW, 19.2k/9.6k baud GMSK
發表於 27-7-2015 18:06:23 | 顯示全部樓層
XW-2B, XW-2C and XW-2D:
CAMSAT CAS3B– Micro-satellite architecture
– Dimensions: 250Lx250Wx250H mm
– Mass: 9kg
– Stabilization: three-axis stabilization system with its +Y surface facing the earth
– Antenna: Deployable antenna, one 1/4λ monopole VHF antenna with max.0dBi gain is located at +Z side and one 1/4λ monopole UHF antenna with max.0dBi gain is located at –Z side, close to the each edge of satellite body
– Uplink: 70cm band
– Downlink: 2m band
– Amateur radio payloads:
Callsign: BJ1SC ( for XW-2B), BJ1SD ( for XW-2C), BJ1SE ( for XW-2D)
CW Telemetry Beacon: 50mW, 22wpm
U/V Mode Linear Transponder: 100mW, 20kHz bandwidth, spectrum Inverting
AX.25 telemetry: 100mW, 19.2k/9.6k baud GMSK
CAS- 3B-D.jpg
發表於 4-8-2015 00:41:54 | 顯示全部樓層
VR2VBU 發表於 27-7-2015 18:06
XW-2B, XW-2C and XW-2D:
CAMSAT CAS3B– Micro-satellite architecture
– Dimensions: 250Lx250Wx250H  ...

– Cube-satellite architecture
– Dimensions: 110Lx110Wx110H mm
– Mass: 1.5kg
– Stabilization: Spinning stabilization using permanent magnet torquer
– Antenna: Deployable antenna, one 1/4λ monopole VHF antenna with max.0dBi gain is located at +Z side and one 1/4λ monopole UHF antenna with max.0dBi gain is located at –Z side, close to the each edge of satellite body
– Uplink: 70cm band
– Downlink: 2m band
– Amateur radio payloads:
Callsign: BJ1SF ( for CAS-3E), BJ1SG ( for CAS-3F)
CW Telemetry Beacon: 50mW, 22wpm
U/V Mode Linear Transponder: 100mW, 20kHz bandwidth, spectrum Inverting
AX.25 telemetry: 100mW, 9.6k baud GMSK
CAS- 3E-F.jpg
發表於 7-8-2015 23:49:54 | 顯示全部樓層
網上有人這樣寫, 但我 (VR2VBU) 仍是看不懂

 樓主| 發表於 8-8-2015 19:00:30 | 顯示全部樓層
可能這位英國HAM 因為只有FM 設備 不能玩其他 衛星功能
發表於 20-8-2015 22:13:38 | 顯示全部樓層


information from www.hellocq.net

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