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出讓 IC-V80

發表於 27-12-2012 22:43:49 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 VR2VBU 於 27-12-2012 22:46 編輯

Rugged and Basic 2M with Powerful Audio!
Icom radios are built tough, and the IC-V80/E - Icom's most economical 2M - is no exception. This military rugged rig offers water resistance and superior protection against dust and dirt (IP54). Compact, rugged and with plenty of power, the IC-V80/E is ideal for basic, on-the-go ham operations.

750mW loud audio
The IC-V80/E uses the BTL (bridge-tied load) amplifier that doubles the audio output. The 36mm large speaker delivers 750mW of loud and intelligible audio*. Great for noisy environments.
* Typical value using with internal speaker.

Powerful 5.5W of output power
The IC-V80/E offers a just-right mix of power and size. 5.5 watts of high power will work to get your message through. Get up to 19 hours* of operating time with the Li-ion battery pack (BP-265) or 13 hours with the Ni-MH (BP-264). All that power comes is an easy to hold and use size - not too big, not too small.
* Typical operation. 5:5:90 duty cycle with power save on.

IP54 and MIL-STD-810 rugged construction
The dust protection and water-resistance equivalent to IP54 provides reliable operation for practical outdoor operation. The IC-V80/E tested to and passed 11 categories of MIL-STD-810 environmental tests.

A total of 207 memory channels
The IC-V80/E has a total of 207 memory channels, including 200 regular channels, 6 scan edges and 1 call channel. The channel name is programmable with 5 characters for easy recognition.

The CTCSS and DTCS tone codes provide quiet stand-by and allow you to use tone-access repeaters. The pocket beep alerts you when a matching tone frequency is received. The tone scan detects the subaudible tone that is used for repeater access.

Internal VOX function
The IC-V80/E has internal VOX (Voice Operated Transmit) function for convenient handsfree operation with a compatible optional headset and plug adapter cable. Also, the VOX gain and VOX delay time are adjustable.

Other features
•WX channel and weather alert function (USA version only)
• Program, memory, skip, priority and tone scans
• Power save function
• BNC type antenna connector
• Automatic repeater function (USA version only)
• 1750Hz tone for European repeater access (IC-V80E only)
• TOT (time out timer) setting
• Repeater lockout and busy channel lockout
• PC programmable with optional CS-V80
• Transceiver-to-transceiver cloning (Optional)
• Direct keypad frequency entry
• DTMF autodial memories
• Auto power off
• LCD backlight
• Wide/narrow channel spacing

 樓主| 發表於 27-12-2012 23:00:30 | 顯示全部樓層
IC-V80 九成新
沒有盒, 沒有說明書 (可自行在 網上下載說明書 )
購買價約 $1800, 現出讓價 $1000


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