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發表於 18-10-2010 14:11:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
SUMBANDILASAT  Operating hints
The PTT of the transmitter now STAYS ON for the duration of the payload activation (i.e. 15 min), regardless of a valid “transponder” tone received.  Note that this does not get rid of the “cut-off” problem, nor of the requirement to embed a valid tone when you want to use the payload – see detailed explanation below.
The following example depicts the ideal usage scenario of the payload:
1. As the satellite comes over the horizon, an unmodulated carrier (“quieting”) will be received by all on UHF
2. Person A starts to transmit on VHF (with valid “transponding” tone embedded in the transmission) and the transmission is relayed on UHF
3. When Person A releases his/her PTT, the satellite will continue to transmit what it is receiving (usually this will be “noise”) for a further ±3s.  Nobody should start to transmit during this time!
4.0 At the end of the ±3s period, everybody will again hear the unmodulated carrier.
5. NB: only when this unmodulated carrier is heard should Person B start to transmit.  Listen to this mp3 recording as an example of valid usage HERE
In simple repeater operation terms , leave a 3 second gap between overs.
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